Business purpose and non-owner occupancy provisions for Non-InvestorDocs loan packages

GoDocs allows the inclusion of the Business purpose and non-owner occupancy provisions within ApartmentDocs and CommercialDocs.

GoDocs includes the ability for ApartmentDocs and CommercialDocs loan orders (non-InvestorDocs orders) to include a business purpose document and a non-owner occupancy document. These two documents will be included in the non-InvestorDocs loan order when the feature is activated and selected per-order.

These documents are stand-alone documents for ApartmentDocs and CommercialDocs and can be used or discarded at your discretion, as applicable. Similar documents in the InvestorDocs product are triggered based on the data entry of the loan order and are not intended to be included or omitted as freely in such packages.

GoDocs continues to view the inclusion of the business purpose document and a non-owner occupancy document in ApartmentDocs and CommercialDocs as not necessary but allows the inclusion as a courtesy to each Lender's business decisions.

Please contact the Customer Support Team for assistance in activating or deactivating this feature.