Do the loan docs cover ordinance or law coverage?

GoDocs documents already cover the lender for this and more. The borrower's representation, maintenance and requirements are outlined and the consequences to non-compliance are outlined. Additionally, the lender's options and remedies are expressed.
Section C.2(e) of the loan agreement identifies:
"...the Improvements are ready for occupancy; and the original building permit, unconditional certificates of occupancy and all other consents and approvals of the applicable Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over the Mortgaged Property have been issued, evidencing compliance with all zoning, building and other laws and regulations applicable to the Mortgaged Property and the Improvements".
 Section D.12(a) of the loan agreement outlines the continuing compliance and requirement to notify the lender of changes. Section D.12(b) of the loan agreement requires the borrower maintain such records.
 Section G.2 of the loan agreement indemnifies the lender by the borrower.
 D.2 of the loan agreement allows the lender to require, at lender's discretion, insurances that further covers ordinance or law coverage.
"(a) If Lender so requires, such insurance shall also include sinkhole insurance, mine subsidence insurance, earthquake insurance, and, if the Mortgaged Property does not conform to applicable zoning or land use laws, building ordinance or law coverage.
(b) All such policies shall also be in a form approved by Lender."
D.6 of the loan agreement requires the Borrower to maintain or repair, at their expense, the property.
"Borrower (a) shall not commit waste or permit impairment or deterioration of the Mortgaged Property, (b) shall not abandon the Mortgaged Property, (c) shall restore or repair promptly, in a good and workmanlike manner, any damaged part of the Mortgaged Property to the equivalent of its original condition, or such other condition as Lender may approve in writing, whether or not insurance proceeds or condemnation awards are available to cover any costs of such restoration or repair, (d) shall keep the Mortgaged Property in good repair, including the replacement of Personalty and Fixtures with items of equal or better function and quality, ... (f) shall give notice to Lender of and, unless otherwise directed in writing by Lender, shall appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the Mortgaged Property, Lender's security or Lender's rights under this Loan Agreement"
F.1(b) of the loan agreement makes failure to maintain required insurance coverage an event of default. 
Section G of the deed of trust outlines the lender's ability to procure such insurance at borrower's expense (billed or added to the Indebtedness).
"G.1 ...Lender at Lender's option may make such appearances, disburse such sums and take such actions as Lender reasonably deems necessary to perform such obligations of Borrower and to protect Lender's interest, including...(c) procurement of the insurance required by section D.2 of the Loan Agreement (as outlined in section G.3 below)..."
 "G.3 In the event that (1) Borrower fails to procure and/or maintain all required insurance coverage(s) as set forth in sections D.1, D.2 and/or D.6 of the Loan Agreement, and/or (2) Borrower fails to pay the required insurance premiums for such required insurance coverage(s) at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date when such payments are due to be paid in compliance with the Loan Agreement, then (i) Lender may, but is not obligated to, procure such required insurance coverage(s), and (ii) Borrower shall pay to Lender during the term hereof, upon receipt of an invoice therefor, the premiums for any such required insurance coverage(s) obtained by Lender pursuant to this section."