How to add an additional Property Address?

How to add multiple property addresses?

To add an additional address under the "Property" tab the customer will need to go to the "Property Address" section and click the box that reads "Additional Address". Once this is clicked additional address fields will populate allowing the customer to add multiple addresses to the order.

1. Below is an output sample of the property addresses listed on the cover page of the loan documents.

2. Below is an output sample of the property addresses listed in the legal description.

How to add multiple addresses and cross collateral of same:
If the other property is being included on the same deed of trust for the same county, please use the additional address option to add it and include it in the legal description for the security instrument of the loan. We also have options for cross collateral of properties in different counties, lien positions and ownership as well as separate loans as cross collateral.

How to add additional security instruments:

To add additional security instruments for properties in a different county/state please check out the link below:

How to add an additional security instrument

Where is a specific address on the dropdown for the SNDA section:

The SNDA is for all subject properties on the security instrument. You will receive an SNDA for the security instrument and not for a specific address on the security instrument. As such, the drop down references the first address, if many, even though the SNDA will be for that tenant lease for the entire subject property.