Standard support or Premium support?

You have two options: Standard support or Premium support.

Under the Standard support level, the order will be generated solely based on the data entry. Please confirm the data entry of the order matches your intentions before submitting the loan documents order. Any special instruction for loan document preparation would be at the Premium support level and may require additional processing time and fee.

You can proceed to order the loan documents at the Standard support level and receive documents instantly, prepared solely on the data entry. If you choose to edit any text post delivery, you could order the documents in Word format and make the change on your end. For GoDocs to manually process the order, which includes special instructions for processing, you can submit the order as a Premium support order with your intention detailed in the special instructions field. Normal Premium support processing time and fees apply.

You can view how the entity name and signature block will be referenced in the generated document via the sample signature blocks on the order. Entity Review orders are not processed by GoDocs staff members. I have included the Highland Law team in this response so they may be aware of your request for assistance regarding the entity review. Any questions regarding the entity review should be directed toward Highland Law for clarification of the data entry to be used before the loan documents order is submitted.