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Trustee for Deed of Trusts Questions

  1. Who is Paul Kellogg – Individual Trustee?
    1. For deed of trust states, GoDocs has compiled a list of Default Trustees who we understand are acceptable to act as trustee for the deed of trust in such states. For lenders that wish to use their own trustees, we offer the ability to enter their own default trustee list to populate in their document or the ability to enter a trustee for the deed of trust per loan order. Paul Kellogg is the default trustee for Texas Deeds of Trust. Paul Kellogg is an attorney who focuses his practice on compliance and regulation in lending.  He works for McGlinchey and is based out of Houston, TX.   He is a LegalNet partner who reviews all Texas loan filings for GoDocs.
  2. If we decide to use our own Trustee(s) can you give us the ability to enter Trustee’s info? 
    1. Yes, we can either open the Trustee field per order, to be entered per order, or you can identify the trustee for deeds of trust, so that your preference is included every time. The default list of Trustees that GoDocs has identifies acceptable trustees that are qualified to act as trustee under state law. The election to not use the GoDocs default trustee is at lender’s discretion and the lender’s solely responsible to assure the correctness of the trustee name and qualification of trustee under state law.