Foreign Borrower, foreign guarantor, foreign address

Foreign National Box:

Identifies the obligations under US law for foreign nationals who may be borrowers, guarantors, or owners of a borrower entity. We do not make any representations as to the individual's citizenship other than individual borrowers. The residency of the signatories, and even guarantors, is not referenced in the docs.


Below the difference in the loan agreement when the box "Is a Foreign National" is checked ("has") or unchecked ("is a United States citizen and resident with"):  

Borrowing entity "registered as a foreign limited liability company in the state of *property state*":

If you borrower is not registered as a foreign entity in the property state, you will leave the box unchecked.

Foreign Address:
A customer can enter a foreign address for the Borrower in the "Borrower" tab by checking the box that reads "Has Foreign Address".

A customer can enter a foreign address for the Borrower in the "Borrower" tab by clicking on the checkbox that reads "Has Foreign Address." By checking this box the address lines will reduce the Address data entry fields to only "Address 1" so an international address can be entered in its entirety.

Foreign Guarantor:

GoDocs is not reviewing the entity documents and relying on the signature block in the special instruction to update the foreign guarantor references and related signature block. Since "Guarantor is foreign" is checked, the order needs to be handled as a special instruction under Premium support. Since it is just a guarantor that is foreign, we are just looking for any mention of that guarantor and manually correcting the designation, references and signature blocks throughout the loan documents. Do note, that the foreign entity information will be updated by GoDocs as a scrivener of your special instruction. The Guarantor Corporate Resolution is in draft form for your review and acceptance before use. The option for a Foreign Guarantor is found on the Borrower Page.

This option would include the following language in the Guaranty: