This is where you will select the O&M Agreements that are pertinent to the current order.
Third Party Reports may indicate the property is in such condition that Lender requires an operations and maintenance plan (asbestos, lead based paint, mold moisture management, etc.). Typically, the Loan Agreement contains the basic requirement of what plans must be implemented, and a separate O&M Agreement is used to show the detailed requirements of each plan.
User Interface
If an O&M Agreement is needed, you must click the Loan Tab.
Then, once you scroll down, there will be a section labeled "Prepare O&M Agreement". You will select the 3 options that are pertinent to the current order.
GoDocs offers several options for O&M plans.
Option 1. the Operations and Maintenance Agreement that includes a blank Exhibit A, giving the Lender the option to attach the plan provided by the Lender and attach it thereto post delivery of docs.
Option 2. the O&M Agreement with EXHIBIT A for LEAD BASED PAINT O&M PLAN , ASBESTOS O&M PLAN and [O&M PLAN FOR MOLD -- ATTACHED]. This option includes the plans for Lead and Asbestos in the exhibit, with blank lines to be completed prior to execution, and gives the Lender the option to attach their own mold plan.
Option 3. includes all the Exhibits of Option 2 but with an additional Mold and Moisture Plan exhibit: the O&M Agreement with EXHIBIT A for LEAD BASED PAINT O&M PLAN , ASBESTOS O&M PLAN and MOLD AND MOISTURE O & M PLAN. The mold plan exhibit includes a plan with general provisions that broadly apply to many O&M situations.