You can find the condominium check boxes on the "Property Tab". Navigate to the "Property Tab" and scroll down to the "Property Type" section.
If the property contains one or more condominium units, the Property Type check box labeled "Property consists of one or more condominium project" must be checked. Doing so will open up additional check boxes that should be considered and checked if applicable to this order.
Select the second check box if the property consists of all of the units in the condominium project.
Select the third check box if there is a Recorded condominium plan and declaration in place.
With the condo selection(s), the documents impacted are the Loan Agreement (Section D.11. Use of Mortgaged Property) and the Deed of Trust (Exhibit "B" Condominium Rider). Please see below screenshots for references on how the "Property consists of one or more condominium units" is reflected within our loan documents.
Property consists of all of the units in the condominium project
Recorded condominium plan and declaration in place
The legal description is what controls in terms of mortgaged property. Further, if you would like to also include the condo unit numbers in the property address field(s) for convenience, you are able to do that.
If you noticed that the "Property consists of one or more condominium units" was not checked for your order you can submitted for a full redraw.
If the loan documents were already executed and the documents recorded we can offer either (i) normal redraw or (ii) you can request Amended and Restated versions as a special instruction, which is designed to amend and restate the originally executed docs.